AFD Group
Chief Executive
We are very proud to present a “100% SDG” report for the very first time. The Group’s action is structured around the five pillars of the 2030 Agenda, namely Planet, People, Peace, Prosperity and Partnership.
In 2015, the 193 member states of the UN adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and undertook to fulfill the 2030 Agenda. This means achieving the targets set for each of the SDGs by 2030.
The SDGs identify what has to be done to tackle the global challenges we are facing, including poverty, inequality, climate change, loss of biodiversity and peacebuilding in order to create a prosperous, inclusive world. As a UN member state, France undertakes to participate in the global effort to achieve the SDGs, and has entrusted part of this mission to our Group. Furthermore, in addition to contributing to the SDGs, AFD ensures at the same time that it does not negatively affect any of them. For this purpose, it has a sustainable development analysis and opinion mechanism which reviews all of its portfolio from the point of view of its impacts. An assessment of this mechanism is included in this document.
Learn more2021 commitment authorizations in billions of €
Social cohesion for communities
With 1,062 new projects funded for a total of €12.15 billion of authorized commitments and historically high levels of disbursements, the Group proved its strong commitment to fight poverty in 2021.
Over 84,000 people supported,
including almost 30,000 vulnerable women
71 projects funded for €808.5 million
in the fields of health and social protection
The REVE project in Niger will support the enrollment of 20,000 pupils, including at least 12,000 girls Voir le projet
100% of the Group’s projects were analyzed from a gender point of view and were scored according to the OECD DAC gender markers
In 2021, the Group granted
€1 billion to the water and sanitation sector
71 projects funded for €808.5 million
in the fields of health and social protection
Through this project, inaugurated in 2019, victims of gender-based and sexual violence in the central african republic receive holistic care (medical, psychological and legal support, training and reinsertion).
In 2021, AFD enabled 4.6 million people to gain access to sustainable electricity
Almost 11 million city inhabitants and users in all geographical areas to see their quality of life improved
5.5 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent saved each year thanks to the miti- gation efforts throughout the life time of the projects
As part of the partnership between France and the IUCN, AFD provides a financial contribution. One of the four specific aims of this is to promote blue economies and the long-term conservation of marine protected areas
In 2021, the total funding dedicated by AFD Group to biodiversity stood at €589 million, with €100 million for nature conservation projects
Since 2020, the group has been supporting the colombian city of barranquilla in implementing its 2020-2023 development plan “i am barranquilla”, in particular via a loan for the equivalent of €120 million in colombian pesos to support the goals of adaptation to climate change, restoration and protection of biodiversity and the environment, management of the risks of natural disaster and social inclusion of vulnerable populations.
In 2021, AFD’s commitments should benefit over 13 million people living in fragile areas, including over 5 million as part of the Minka Peace and Resilience Fund
In 2021, the worsening security situation in niger led to the internal displacement of almost 260,000 people who were already vulnerable to climate-related shocks in the regions of tillabéri, tahoua, diffa and maradi alone.
In 2021 AFD Group mobilized almost €375 million for CSOs
€2.1 million strengthening the transition of agricultural and food systems in Benin, Burkina Faso, Togo, Colombia and Peru.
€96 million in grants to vocational training projects aiming to improve the employability of young people
€3 billion committed by AFD Group for the benefit of 26,000 START-UPS, AND MSME
learn morePromoting sustainable industrialization and encouraging innovation are at the heart of our priorities
In Yaoundé (3.3 million inhabitants), people mainly use collective taxis (40% of journeys) or walk (33%). However, the facilities on the streets for pedestrians and public transport users are very limited, which makes the roads extremely unsafe: three people die every day in the city, and another fifteen are injured. In line with the urban mobility plan developed thanks to the mobilise your city partnership, this project will improve the core mobility infrastructure and make it safer: redesign of six crossroads, two bus stations and pedestrian routes (pavements and junctions).
learn more
In 2021,
186 projects were the subject of a sustainable development opinion, representing a volume of €7.4 billion.
of projects
received a favorable opinion or a certificate, of which 33% were favorable opinions and 27% certificates.
of projects
received a favorable opinion with recommendations.
of projects
The sustainable development opinion developed positively in approximately
AFD Group integrates corporate social responsibility into its governance system and its activities. In this context, it takes measures intended to assess and control the environmental and social risks (E&S) of the operations it funds. It sets up procedures to identify, prevent or mitigate the environmental and social damage and the human rights abuse likely to result from these activities. This E&S risk management approach is applied at all stages of the project cycle, from identification and approval of the funding to monitoring and assessment ex post.
AFD’s objectives as concerns gender equality are increasingly ambitious, and range from the recruitment of female engineers to the promotion of women to senior positions. In addition to maintaining its previous commitments, AFD is innovating with the introduction of a support system for family carers. Training in recruitment without discrimination has become mandatory for managers.
external psychologist
for the network
"We work in different ways. For expatriates, before expatriation, we are present in the various preparations for expatriation and have an individual interview with each person leaving. During activity, we are present for all staff, and can be approached directly in order to set out the situation and discuss individually." Read the testimonial
Within AFD Group and its value chain, the low-carbon trajectory takes the form of operational measures to reduce the impact of its activity. In this way AFD Group is working to control its direct greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by simultaneously reducing these emissions and compensating them by actions contributing to the SDGs. The annual assessment of the Group’s carbon footprint allows its strengths and vulnerabilities to be identified.
AFD Group is working to control its carbon footprint and environmental impact. AFD Group has therefore adopted responsible purchasing as one of the three major avenues of its new purchasing policy. The Group is thus committed to reducing the environmental footprint of its purchases, to bolstering their social responsibility and supporting local development.
As a stakeholder in the Quartier des deux rives district of Paris and as part of the circular economy approach, AFD Group reaffirmed its commitments through its signature of the City of Paris “Paris Action Climat” charter which brings together the public and private stakeholders in the Paris area around climate issues.
The Metis fund aims to use art and involve artists to increase the impact of development projects funded by afd at the local level in the target regions and with their inhabitants. Designed and implemented as a catalyst for impact, Metis strives to “convey emotions and be transformative”.
AFD Group’s overall funding in 2021 stood at €12.1 billion. The commitments signed amounted to €10.6 billion, which is down after an exceptional year in 2020 linked to COVID funding (€12.4 billion). Payments amounted to €8.7 billion, a level of payments which is stable in relation to 2020 (€8.7 billion).
in foreign countries and the French Overseas Departments and Territories
Financing approvals in foreign states and the French Overseas Depart- ments and Territories was €12.1 billion, like in 2020.
in foreign countries and the French Overseas Departments and Territories
The volume of commitments signed for 2021 was €11.5 billion for the Group, down by 7% in relation to 2020.
in foreign countries and the French Overseas Departments and Territories
The Group’s payments amounted to €8.7 billion in 2021, a level which is stable in relation to 2020 (€8.8 billion).
AFD benefited from €2.1 billion of financial effort from the State in 2021 (+23.5% as compared to 2020).
In 2021, AFD Group contributed €4.1 billion (€4.2 billion in 2020) to French development aid according to the grant equivalent method (-3% in relation to 2020).
In 2021, AFD financing approvals in Africa (Sub-Saharan Africa and North Africa) stood at €5.2 billion (excluding the Indian Ocean1), representing 43% of the Group’s activity and making it the main region where the Group operates.
1 En ajoutant l’activité dans l’océan Indien (Comores, Madagascar, Maurice) incluse dans la région Trois Océans, l’activité en Afrique s’élève à 5,4 Mds€ en 2021 (4,93 Mds€ en 2020).
Distribution per geographical area
AFD financing approvals in the region of Asia, Eurasia (and Eastern Europe) stood at €3.5 billion in 2021, corresponding to 29% of AFD Group activity. Activity in Latin America amounted to €1.6 billion, representing 13% of the Group’s activity.
By country income level
In 2021, AFD funding commitments in the Three Oceans region reached €1.4 billion, representing 12% of the Group’s overall activity. 36% of AFD Group’s activity in foreign countries was conducted in lower middle-income countries, whereas those in the upper middle-income bracket represented 28%.
AFD Group
Chief Executive
"The year 2021, during which AFD celebrated its 80th anniversary, was marked by an unprece- dented institutional strengthening of French development policy, with the French Parliament unan- imously adopting the French planning law on inclusive development and the fight against global inequalities on 4 August 2021. This legislation ratifies the posi- tion of the international solidarity policy at the centre of France’s international action, clarifying its goals and its priorities in terms of geography and themes. In line with the commitment made by the French President and the Government, the legislation provides for a his- toric increase in the funds allocated to official develop- ment assistance. Furthermore, it enables the integration of Expertise France into AFD Group, which can now offer its customers and partners a full range of financial and technical support. The law also establishes ambitious goals in terms of transparency and accountability, with AFD Group the introduction of an independent commission for the Chief Executive evaluation of official development assistance under the auspices of the Court of Auditors. This enhanced ambition for the French develop- ment policy, which notably includes a stepping up of bilateral action, is a source of pride for us and is also binding upon us. It requires us to be exem- plary in terms of social and environmental responsibility both in our activity and our management. This commitment is materialized by the align- ment of our actions with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). This edition of the Activity and Corporate Social Responsibility Report reflects this: we are very proud to present a “100% SDG” report for the very first time. The Group’s action is structured around the five pillars of the 2030 Agenda, namely Planet, People, Peace, Prosperity and Partnership, following on from the “100% Paris Agreement” and “100% social link” strategies adopted by AFD during the past five years. In 2021, AFD Group funded over 1,000 projects in 115 countries for the SDGs, for a total of €12.15 billion. Our funding significantly contributed to France’s international action for the planet. AFD Group committed €6 billion to fight climate change, of which €2 billion were dedicated to adaptation and €2 billion for biodiversity, in line with our strategic goal to be the leading 100% Paris Agreement funding agency and to dedicate 50% of our investments to the climate. On an internal level, we are particularly proud of our funding program, aligned with our ambitious policy for the planet: green and sustainable bond issuances thus represented almost 50% of AFD Group funding in 2021. To strengthen the social link, AFD Group is resolutely committed to fighting all forms of discrimination. AFD is a feminist agency, in accordance with the com- mitments made by France as part of its international strategy for gender equality (2018-2022) and its gender equality action plan (2019-2022). As such, 50% of the projects approved in 2021 included a gender co-benefit (DAC 1 or 2). 63 of these projects had a transformational, structuring purpose (according to the so-called OECD DAC 2 methodology) for a sum of €857 million, thus exceeding the target of €700 million set out in the con- tract between the French State and AFD. 2021 was also a landmark year in terms of workplace gender equality for the Group, with the signature in January 2021 of a new “workplace gender equality” agreement with the social partners and the award of AFNOR certification in this field in June 2021. This recognition acknowledges a very active human resources policy: over 50% of the managers in our Group are female, and equality has been achieved in the different levels of management, particularly in our exec- utive committee and the management of our agencies in foreign countries. AFD was also granted AFNOR “Diver- sity” certification in 2021, recognizing and encouraging our company’s efforts towards ever-increasing equality, inclusion and diversity. AFD also funded practical peacebuilding measures in crisis and post-conflict situations. AFD’s commit- ments in 2021 should benefit over 13 million people living in fragile areas, including over 5 million as part of the Minka Peace and Resilience funding. The Fund, founded in 2017, mobilized €210 million in 2021 corre- sponding to 43 projects, which exceeded the targets set for the Agency. Our commitment for the private sector is materialized by the action of our subsidiary Proparco. Proparco committed €2.3 billion in 2021, €1.2 billion of which was in Africa through the Choose Africa initiative. This funding was deployed with entrepreneurs, companies and finan- cial institutions working in sectors with a strong impact on development such as renewable energies, micro-fi- nance and health in order to support job creation, gender equality and access to essential goods and services. We do not carry out our SDG-orientated work alone. We always adopt a “partnership by design” approach to mobilize action on a large scale. Actions are first of all put together with local project managers, our customers and beneficiaries and with all our French, Euro- pean and international partners who want to cooperate with France to help local populations. Priority is given to non-sovereign stakeholders who represented 55% of our funding in 2021. We work through “Team France” with the public insti- tutions, local authorities, civil society organizations and all the French stakeholders who are committed, like us, to the Sustainable Development Goals. In 2021, the Group notably consolidated its cooperation with the stakeholders in the civil society organization ecosystem. As part of the “CSO Initiatives” mechanism alone, AFD Group funded 145 projects through 114 French CSOs for a global amount of €116 million. This funding indirectly supported almost 7,500 partner CSOs in the South and targeted over eight million ultimate recipients. As a European agency, we work with our key partners in the European Union, the 27 Member States, and multi-lateral European organizations. The Group thus mobilized €431 million in delegated grants from the European Union in 2021. At international level, the Group works closely with multi-lateral organizations, bilateral agencies in other countries and the 550 public development banks around the world. AFD has the honour of chairing the Interna- tional Development Finance Club (IDFC) and the Finance in Common (FiCS) initiative which brings together public development banks from all over the world. These inno- vative coalitions of the key stakeholders in public invest- ment enable the emergence of mechanisms and shared solutions to scale up and actively contribute to financial sector alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). I would like to conclude by commending the commit- ment of the AFD Group teams who are fully mobilized to address the challenges of our times, such as climate change and the fight against inequalities worldwide, in a global environment weakened by the war in Ukraine and the COVID-19 crisis with collateral effects on purchas- ing power, energy sovereignty and food security. Backed by the personnel of AFD, Proparco and Expertise France, which officially joined the Group on 1 January 2022, and the unique diversity of its capabilities, the newly consti- tuted AFD Group is more than ever ready to make its contribution in response to crises, for the SDGs and the Paris Agreement, for a world in common."
external psychologist
for the network
“AFD has set up a system for the prevention of psycho-social risks and the improvement of the quality of life at work (Psycholab). In this context, Psycholab’s task is to provide backup and support for the staff throughout the network in the form of interviews, support, and backup with psychologists and psychiatrists. These interviews are available remotely in French, English, Spanish or Arabic, either in video or audio mode, depending on the technical possibilities. The Psycholab team consists of two clinical psychologists and two psychiatrists who are all experienced in the field of international solidarity and remote support. We are neutral, external, confidential specialists. We specialize in expatriation, interculturality and psychological balance in these types of situation. We work in different ways. For expatriates, before expatriation, we are present in the various preparations for expatriation and have an individual interview with each person leaving. During activity, we are present for all staff, and can be approached directly in order to set out the situation and discuss individually. We can also provide collective services remotely, offering groups and discussions, and support groups for specific situations, or on-site in case of more dramatic incidents or events to work directly with the victims or people affected. This support is available for all the personnel in the AFD network, both expatriates and local operators.”
Conception graphique et développement
Crédit photos :
Ouverture : Antoine Raab/melonrouge.asia
Introduction : Yann Macherez / Momentum-Production
Avant-Propos : Morgan Ommer / NOI Pictures, Alexandre Salle de Chou
Un groupe engagé : Dianthus Saputra
#populations - ODD1 : James Keogh / Wostok Press
#populations - ODD2 : Linus Escandor II
#populations - ODD3 : Chantal Regnault
#populations - ODD4 : Souleymane Ag Anara
#populations - ODD5 : Charlie Kouagou / ACC / AFD
#populations - ODD6 : Joseph Moura pour l’AFD
#populations - ODD10 : Benjamin Petit / AFD
#populations - projet : Ibrahima Kebe Diallo
#planète - ODD7 : Didier Gentilhomme
#planète - ODD11 : Cyril Le Tourneur d'Ison
#planète - ODD13 : Zaid Ali Taher Assaf
#planète - ODD14 : Pierre Terdjman / AFD
#planète - ODD15 : Srishti Bhardwaj
#planète - projet : Thibault Hatton
#paix - ODD16 : Karkara Gouré / AFD
#paix - projet :Ollivier Girard
#partenariats - ODD17 : Paul Kabre pour l'AFD
#partenariats - projet : Aizar Raldes / AFD
#propsérité - ODD8 : Ibrahima Kebe Diallo
#propsérité - Choose Africa : Ricci Shryock
#propsérité - ODD9 : Prashanth Vishwanathan/AFD
#propsérité - projet : Rodrig Mbock
Dispositif d’analyse :Alexander Schuecke
Développer la finance durable : Duong Anh Quoc / EM Productions, Zai Ali Taher Assaf
Agir pour l’égalité : Kibuuka Mukisa Oscar, Isabelle Bonillo / AFD
Maîtriser l’empreinte carbone : Fabien Dubessay, Agence de Mexico – AFD
Agir en faveur d’achats responsables : Hanaï Vidéo & Média, Carlos Tobon
Agir pour l’ancrage territorial : Stéphane Brabant, Eric Thauvin pour AFD
Dossier «l’art» : Ajay Boodhoo, Reginald Louissaint Junior / Kolektif 2D
Les chiffres : Yashas Chandra, Ddier Gentilhomme
Fin : Jorge Cardoso